- Fixed reported problems
- Adding night mode to the store
- Fixed reported problems
Version 9.8
fixes reported problems
Version 9.
Fixed reported problems
version 9.6
improvement of the audio book player,
improvement of the Epub book reader
, fixing reported problems
version 9.5
, new audio book player, the
possibility of bookmarking the audio book,
in version 9.5
. New audio
book player
Version 9.0 , the
possibility of bookmarking and adding notes in the Epub reader,
improving the Epub reader ,
Changes in version 9.2
Improved download of audiobooks
Reported bug fixes
Changes in version 9.0
Ability to bookmark and add notes in Epub
reader Improvement of epub reader
Fixed bug fixes
Changes in version 9.1
Improved audio player
Fixed reported issues
Changes in version 9.0
Ability to bookmark and add notes in Epub
reader Improved Epub reader
Fixed reports
Ability to mark and add notes in the Epub reader
Improved Epub Reader
Fixed Reported Problems
Troubleshooting Reported
Improved user interface Improved user
Troubleshooting reported
improvements Download audiobooks
Troubleshooting Delete some files
Improve ipab reader
Improve audiobook player
Ability to download audiobooks
Troubleshoot Problems Reported
Improvement of ipab reader
Improvement of audiobook player
Ability to download audiobooks
Troubleshooting Reported
Improved iPad reader
Improved audio book player
Ability to download audiobooks
Troubleshooting reported
Version 8.0
Fixed reported problems
Version 7.7
Horizontal format of book display added
Fixed a reported problem
Fixed a reported problem
Improvement of new user
Fixed a reported problem
Improvement of new user
Fixed a reported problem
New user interface
Improve user experience
Fixed a reported problem
New user interface
Improve user experience
Fixed a reported problem
UI improvements
Fixed a reported problem
Possibility to create a shelf and categorize my library
Search my library
UI improvements
Fixed a reported problem
Possibility to create a shelf and categorize my library
Search my library
UI improvements
Fixed a reported problem
Possibility to create a shelf and categorize my library
Search my library
UI improvements
Fixed a reported problem
Ability to share book text
Fixed a reported problem
Improve the display of PDFs
Fixed a reported problem
Fixed a reported problem
Improve speed and efficiency
Ability to navigate the book with sound buttons
Ability to transfer application to memory
Fixed a reported problem
Fixed a reported problem
Improve the features and increase the speed of the reader Improve my library Fixed a reported problem
Version 4.4 Fixed a reported problem Version 4.3 Improve my library Version 4.1 Sign up with a mobile number Open the design of rating points and book reviews Possibility to rate comments Version 4.0 Audiobook came to the book! UI improvements
Version 4.3 Improve my library Version 4.1 Sign up with a mobile number Open the design of rating points and book reviews Possibility to rate comments Version 4.0 Audiobook came to the book! UI improvements
Version 4.2 Improve my library Version 4.1 Sign up with a mobile number Open the design of rating points and book reviews Possibility to rate comments Version 4.0 Audiobook came to the book! UI improvements
Audiobook came to the book! UI improvements Fixed a reported problem